Thursday, January 7, 2010

Small Vaginia Small White Spots On My Vaginia- Incredibly Painful. Went To The STI Clinic And They Suspect Herpes- Could It.?

Small white spots on my vaginia- incredibly painful. Went to the STI clinic and they suspect herpes- could it.? - small vaginia

may it be otherwise? Wownt I tested it, but for a few weeks back. I only have sex with a man and told him, and he never had any symptoms. Im so scared. And so much pain!


LINDSEY S said...

You should know that herpes can be transmitted even when no symptoms. Some people do not know they could have contracted herpes, because they have no symptoms.
There is nothing else grew cysts or hair, but they are relatively painless compared to a breach of herpes.
Leave it in a little warm water with Epsom salt, which should contribute to pain. Keep your car to keep distracted while waiting for results.

London Kitsch said...

Ask yourself the following:

- If the white spots are silvery white --
- He presented as a cancer cold sores / wounds or sores
- Stings when you pee on
- The pain lasts longer than 3 days
- Red around the white part?
- Do you have a fever or flu-like symptoms or back pain lately?

These things are associated with genital herpes.

I hope you do not have genital herpes, but I'm not sure I have no other condition that creates white spots added in and around the vagina.

If you the good news:

- The outbreaks can be managed with pills and creams, medical, some people say they have a breakout year, and even 2-round bursts into life.
- The first outbreak is worse than the rest is not so bad
- 20% of Americans have genital herpes, if you're not alone.

Neutrogena helps treat the skin or ointment & D, stop, you need a large number of fire!

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